Jennifer Ponce de León: Art, Ideology, and Social Movements Across the Americas

Jennifer Ponce de León (University of Pennsylvania)

Jennifer S. Ponce de León is an interdisciplinary scholar whose research focuses on cultural production and antisystemic movements in the Americas since the 1960s and critical theory. She works across studies of contemporary visual arts, literature, and performance; transnational Latinx and Latin American studies; and Marxist aesthetics and social theory, including anticolonial and postcolonial thought. Dr. Ponce de León’s first book, Another Aesthetics Is Possible: Arts of Rebellion in the Fourth World War (Duke University Press, 2021) theorizes aesthetics as an integral and potentially radicalizing force in contemporary political and social struggles. Dr. Ponce de León’s other publications include “After the Border is Closed: Fascism, Immigration, and Internationalism in Ricardo A. Bracho’s Puto,” forthcoming in American Quarterly (December 2021); “Toward a Compositional Model of Ideology: Materialism, Aesthetics & Cultural Revolution,” co-authored with Gabriel Rockhill and published in Philosophy Today, 63.1 (Winter 2020); “Through an Anticolonial Looking Glass: On Restitution, Indigenismo, and Zapatista Solidarity in Raiders of the Lost Crown” in American Quarterly (March 2018) and “How to See Violence: Artistic Activism & the Radicalization of Human Rights” in ASAP/Journal (May 2018).

Co-sponsored by the Latinx | Latin American Race & Ethnicity Research Unit; the Academy for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; and the Department of Art History and Archaeology.

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