Undergraduate Departmental Awards

The Murphy Family Prizes are for excellence in undergraduate written work.

The Mark S. Weil Prize is for exceptional engagement with and promise for museum work.

The Princeton Book Prize is for excellent overall academic performance in the department and participation in the life of the department. The faculty nominate seniors to the DUS for consideration, prizes are decided at the faculty meeting prior to the April 1st deadline, and winners are announced at the department tea following the Undergrad Recognition Ceremony.

The Art History & Archaeology Award for Excellence in Mentorship, a new prize instituted in 2019, recognizes an undergraduate senior who has served the department as a course, classroom, or art history mentor in some capacity, whether formally or informally.

The Mary Ottoson Summer Travel Fellowship is a summer travel award open to both our majors and minors. Our students are invited to propose a research or study project anywhere in the world.

The Arthur Greenberg Undergraduate Curatorial Fellowship is a competitive program offered every two years that provides upper-level undergraduate art history majors the opportunity to curate an exhibition at Kemper Museum’s Teaching Gallery. 


Mark S. Weil Prize for Distinction in Art History and Museum Practice, Tania Domenzain Vera

Mary Ottoson Summer Travel Fellowship, Lauren Alexander (Amsterdam, Netherlands), Luther Dugan (Naples, Italy), Kayla Hammonds (Madrid, Spain), Bristol Hough (Iceland)

Murphy Family Prize for Outstanding Honors Theses in Art History, Abigail Cannon

Murphy Family Prize for Outstanding Essay in Art History, Lauren Alexander

Princeton Book Prize for Distinction in Art History, Jane Whellan

Department of Art History and Archaeology Award for Excellence in Mentorship, Zoe Shulman


Mark S. Weil Prize for Distinction in Art History and Museum Practice, Taylor Anderson

Mary Ottoson Summer Travel Fellowship, Abigail Cannon (Venice and Rome, Italy), Sam Brady-Myerov (Lisbon, Portugal), Violette Terjanian (Scandinavia: Copenhagen, Denmark; Bergen, Norway)

Murphy Family Prize for Outstanding Essay in Art History, Aisha Al-Mohamedi, Mia Bloss

Princeton Book Prize for Distinction in Art History, Jingxian Gloria Jin

The Arthur Greenberg Undergraduate Curatorial Fellowship, Alexandra Crotty, Endie Hwang, and Jingxian Gloria Jin


Mark S. Weil Prize for Distinction in Art History and Museum Practice, Celia Gerber

Mary Ottoson Summer Travel Fellowship, Haley Harris (Mexico City and Oaxaca, Mexico), Lydia McKelvie (Florence, Italy), William Satloff (Florence, Italy)

Murphy Family Prize for an Outstanding Honors Thesis in Art History, Nina Huang, Lydia McKelvie, William Satloff, and Louis Toberisky

Murphy Family Prize for an Outstanding Essay in Art History, Christine Watridge and Louis Toberisky (Honorable Mention)

Princeton Book Prize for Distinction in Art History, Megan Orlanski

Department of Art History and Archaeology Award for Excellence in Mentorship, Lily Howe


Mark S. Weil Prize for Distinction in Art History and Museum Practice, Lingran Zhang

Mary Ottoson Summer Travel Fellowship, Megan Orlanski (London, England), Hannah Ward (Florence, Italy), Jina Hyun (Berlin, Germany)

Murphy Family Prize for an Outstanding Essay in Art History, Jonathan Cher and Natalie Snyder

Princeton Book Prize for Distinction in Art History, Marion Murphy

The Arthur Greenberg Undergraduate Curatorial Fellowship, Lydia McKelvie, Alice Nguyen, Hannah Ward


Mark S. Weil Prize for Distinction in Art History and Museum Practice, Zoe Stein

Mary Ottoson Summer Travel Fellowship, Allie Henner (Germany and London, England) and Megan Maxwell (Florence, Italy)

Murphy Family Prize for an Outstanding Essay, Kelly Whelan and Alexander Newman

Princeton Book Prize for Distinction in Art History, Allie Henner

Department of Art History and Archaeology Award for Excellence in Mentorship, Alexander Newman