Choose Year:
The Lives of Objects: Provenance Research Workshop
Postdoctoral Fellow Workshop
"From the Quarry to the Studio: the Sedimented Histories of Painting on Stone"
Dr. Christopher Nygren, Associate Professor of Renaissance and Baroque Art, Department of History of Art and Architecture, University of Pittsburgh
Senior Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art (2021-2022)
Art History and Archaeology Graduating Majors Reception
The Department is excited to celebrate our graduating Art History and Archaeology students!
Mark S. Weil Memorial Service
At the Crossroads of History and Myth: The Great Mycenaean Kingdoms
Dr. Michael L. Galaty, Director and Curator of European and Mediterranean Archaeology, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology, Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan
Fourth Annual Missouri Egyptological Symposium
Susan Dackerman's guest lecture on "Albrecht Dürer, Early Print, and the Islamic East", November 3rd, 6 p.m.
Art historian Susan Dackerman will guest lecture on "Albrecht Dürer, Early Print, and the Islamic East" on Thursday, November 3rd. 6 p.m.| Kemper 103.